Underbelly: The Art of Slowing Down with Amy Rogg

Underbelly The Art of Slowing Down with Amy Rogg


September 23, 2024    
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


The Berkeley Alembic
2820 Seventh Street Berkeley, San Francisco, California, 94710, CA

Event Type

Underbelly is a non-verbal, somatic practice rooted in embodied meditation, where participants reclaim the power of slowing down in a world that demands speed and urgency. In a society that thrives on haste, reinforcing oppressive systems and driving us towards burnout, Underbelly offers a profound response to the loss of slowness, inviting participants to pause and reconnect. This practice arises in the context of global crises—climate collapse, technological overdrive, AI advancements, and the harmful impacts of capitalism, polarization, and historical trauma rooted in racism, colonialism, and patriarchy. As the world teeters on a precarious edge, Underbelly invites us not to push through confusion or injury, but to acknowledge reality as it is and to sit with the discomfort, heartbreak, and uncertainty that surround us.

The core of Underbelly is about surrendering the need to rush, and instead, opening ourselves to the present moment. It encourages a collective shift from action to reflection, from pushing to listening, allowing us to dismantle the habits of speed that disconnect us from our well-being and the health of our planet. In doing so, we enter a space where we can engage with our emotions, cultivate deeper empathy, and reestablish an intimate relationship with our bodies, each other, and the world.

Through this practice, participants explore the art of slowing down on multiple levels—physically, emotionally, and mentally. There is no need to push for answers, solutions, or quick fixes. Instead, we embrace complexity, nuance, and paradox, creating space for the unknown to unfold. The group setting creates a shared, co-regulated experience where we attune to one another, deepening our collective presence. Here, we are witnessed and held exactly as we are, without the need to grasp for more, escape, or transcend.

This practice invites a return to relational ways of being, as opposed to the transactional nature of modern culture. It’s a call to shift from consuming to communing, from self-serving behaviors to being of service to something larger. It’s about releasing the rigid circuits of linear thinking and inherited conditioning, and instead sinking back into organic rhythms, where we can reconnect with the wisdom of our bodies, breath, and being.

In this slow sanctuary, Underbelly creates a safe space for participants to sink beneath the surface of fast-paced culture and explore what is alive, tender, and honest within. It is a practice of reverence, allowing us to rediscover the foundations of presence, to sit with what is becoming, and to re-learn how to rest in the vastness of the moment. Whether through stillness, breath, or subtle movement, this practice offers an opportunity to voyage inward and to honor the wisdom of slowing down.

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