Bay Area Burbea Sangha

Bay Area Burbea Sangha


September 15, 2024    
11:30 am - 1:30 pm


The Berkeley Alembic
2820 Seventh Street Berkeley, San Francisco, California, 94710, CA

Event Type

The Bay Area Burbea Sangha offers a dedicated space for those drawn to the profound teachings of Rob Burbea, a remarkable teacher who delved into subjects like emptiness, samadhi, and the imaginal work he coined as soulmaking. Whether you’re well-versed in his teachings or discovering them for the first time, this regular gathering aims to create a welcoming sanctuary for spiritual exploration, connection, and inspiration.

The Sangha provides a nurturing environment for cultivating spiritual friendship and mutual support. Together, participants engage in silent meditation, share experiences, and discuss insights from their practice and what’s currently alive within them. The group is a place for mutual nourishment, bringing together individuals who are exploring similar spiritual landscapes.

Our approach emphasizes collaborative leadership and self-empowerment. Currently, the community is lovingly supported by Mrinank, Wayne, and Jessica. If you’re passionate about Rob’s work and interested in helping steward the Sangha or facilitating events, we warmly invite you to connect with us.

All are welcome to join and contribute to this evolving spiritual community.

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